What is Saint Seiya Musuem?
Saint Seiya Museum is a website dedicated to the original Saint Seiya anime series, known as Old Series or Vintage today. I believe such information is really difficult to find as compared with Saint Seiya Myth Cloth today, therefore I will share the past Saint Seiya collectables information here mainly.
Who is Saint Seiya Museum?
Hi everyone, my name is Felix the Bear, a Saint Seiya fan from Hong Kong, and also the owner of this website - Saint Seiya Museum :) This is my first time to create my own site (but I created so many sites for clients before, when I was still a junior staff many years ago ......), therefore today is a memorable day to me :)
How Saint Seiya Museum was born?
Actually I planned to create my own Saint Seiya site in Y2k, however, due to my busy-ness with work, and my personal life, finally ...... the project was gone :(
Recently Yahoo! decided to stop its Yahoo Blog service in Hong Kong and Taiwan, many of great Saint Seiya blogs will be closed or migrated to a new place. Some of my friends choose Google blogger as their new homes, therefore I decided to create my site here as well.
Originally I planned to start a Traditional Chinese only Saint Seiya website, however, since I wanna share my collection with all Saint Seiya fans around the world, I choose to build a bilingual site right now ...... Though my English is poor, I hope you can understand my content and enjoy your journey through my Saint Seiya collection.
What type of information does Saint Seiya Museum provide?
As I mentioned before, the main theme of this site is to share the past Saint Seiya collectables information, therefore you will not find any information about Next Dimension, Lost Canvas or Saint Seiya Omega here. The only thing you will find here is the high quality photo of Saint Seiya collectables, with such reference you can search online and purchase the one you want.